Tuesday, July 9, 2013

July 8 - Jeff

Left Nickerson about 5:30.  Rode a little in the dark and saw the sun rise as we were riding.  Pretty short day.  Went about 55 miles.  Ended up in a town called Newton.  We needed to get some laundry done.  Newton is a pretty big town.  Even had a Wendy’s.  We stopped in a down called Buhler on the way and got our coffee and shtuff.  Cute little diner.  Good hospitality and Jack proclaimed the best water and ice combination he has had the entire trip.  He also said his blueberry pancake was the best.  Life’s little pleasures.  There was a kid in the corner of the diner who looked like he was taking the day off school.  Wind not too bad.  Couple of headwinds for a while.  Little up and down. 

Wildlife report today.  Deer, blue and white heron red headed woodpecker (named Woody of course), donkeys, cows, horses of course, and a zebra (no we are not drinking in the morning yet and we are not on safari).  There was an exotic aminal farm in the city that we passed on our way out this morning.  He supposedly has giraffe and other exotic aminals.

We are staying in Harvey County Park.  A lot like AJ Jolly Park in Campbell County.  Shower and campsite on a lake.  When Sue got here, the lady said it was free camping because we had no electricity or water at our site.  But she said, let me talk to my husband.  He said $9 but let me talk to shmo.  Well shmo said $9 per tent.  So we went from free to $27.

We have some neighbors camping next to us.  After I got out of t he shower, I walked past his site and he was struggling putting up his tent.  Said he just got it at Wally World for $35.  So here I am helping him put up his tent.  It was like the blind leading the blind.  Jack and Jerry got  a big kick out of me helping him.  The city boy who hasn’t been camping in umpteen years before this trip.  I was doing ok, but the “two experts” came over and assisted me in being a Good Samaritan.  We got them all set up.  Kind of a sad story.  I think he may be homeless.  He said his wife just left him, but he has some female with him along with 2 cats and a dog.  Said he can stay there for 14 days before he  has to move his tent.  No sleeping bags, just carpet to sleep on.  Don’t know how they will survive.  Jack sees a reality show in my future.

The last couple of days we are seeing strange things.  Creeks and rivers with walter in them.  Yesterday we saw a lake which was the first big body of walter we had seen in  about 4-500 miles.  Nice to see walter again.

We are beginning to see some Transamerica Tour signs on the road.  Also are seeing signs that instruct drivers to keep 3 feet distance between bicyclists.  What a great sign.

Laundromat was a fun thing.  Had a Ms. Pacman and pinball machines.  Ms. Pacman was still a quarter, but the pinball machine was 50 cents.  What is wrong with this country?  Going to the Laundromat makes you appreciate your washer and drier.

On to Eureka tomorrow.

Jeff, Jerry, Jack, and Sue

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