Monday, August 26, 2013

Some Numbers from the trip

Bike Trip Recap 
We began riding on June 8th, and finished on July 31st, for a total duration of 54 days.  We rode the bikes for 50 of those days, with one “day off”, one zero day due to rain/road conditions, and two days off when we got to Berea.  Our shortest day was 40 miles, and our longest was 128 miles.
    Days over 100 miles (“Centuries”):  9
    90-100:  7
    80-90:  10
    70-80:  8
    60-70:  7
    50-60:  7
    40-50:  2

We did 39 days with at least a “metric century” (100 kilometers).
    We spent 4 nights in a motel (including one night in Berea), 10 nights in city parks, 7 nights in hostels, 19 nights in RV parks, 12 nights in state/national park campgrounds, and 2 nights at home in our own beds (when we took the weekend off in Berea).
    No falls, no injuries, no illness the entire trip.
    We saw the moon grow full twice on the trip, and saw the Milky Way as clear as can be from the high elevations out west.  We saw beautiful red rock canyons, awesome gorges cut into the canyon walls, lava fields, rushing streams of crystal clear water, and sunrises and sunsets so beautiful they make you shiver.
    We had what seemed to be an infinite number of variations of pasta for dinner in the evenings.  I don't know how Sue came up with all the different ideas, but I don't think there were ever any leftovers.
    When I look at all this, I just don't know how we did it.  How did we persevere?  How did we get up every day and get on the bikes?  Why didn't we quit when we got tired and discouraged and cranky?  It's pretty remarkable, really.   Somehow we were in a "zone", and when one of  us was weary the others gave encouragement.  And of course we are all pretty determined - some would say stubborn.   And of course we figure Mom was up there praying for us all the time to keep us safe.
    Good rides to all.

Monday, August 19, 2013

Post-Ride Reflections – “Gee But It’s Great to Be Back Home!” (Jerry's post)

    When we boldly began planning for this adventure last summer, none of us had a really clear idea of how it would all work.  We were pretty inexperienced, and just sort of trusted that it would all click.  We realized there would be a lot of working it out on the fly.  In particular, Sue’s role as our support person was a mystery.  But we just jumped in and trusted that we could problem solve our way along.  And that is in fact how it played out, mostly with success.
     Looking back, I would have to say that in many ways it “wasn’t what I thought it would be.”     The big surprise in the early going was the traffic.  We knew of course that the route would take us on regular highways, but the amount of traffic was a surprise.  We persevered through Oregon and most of Idaho, and talked to the Adventure Cycling folks in Missoula.  They told us that the roads would have less traffic as we got into Wyoming, and indeed that turned out to be true and we felt more comfortable on most of the roads afterwards.  But those first six or eight hundred miles were often terrifying.
     But the rides!  The rides were wonderful.  I just loved getting up and riding 60, 80, a hundred miles each day, and getting up the next day and doing it again.  The early morning has always been my favorite time to ride.  Vigorous exercise clears the mind and stimulates creative thought.  The mountain climbs out west were sometimes long and exhausting, but for the most part they were manageable.  And then when you got to the top , the descents were glorious.  It is hard to describe the feeling of exhilaration on a long descent from a high pass in the Rockies.  And it was of course made more enjoyable on the days when we found a nice café near the bottom, to get coffee and pancakes.   
    It took a while for me to get comfortable with my bike.  I had bought it just a few days before we left home, a last minute decision to replace my old bike that was having a few problems.  You might think all bikes are pretty much the same, but when you spend every day riding the way we do each little variation in how it shifts, or steers, or how it brakes makes you feel like you are bonded to the bike, committed to working together, like a partner on the road, trying to achieve a common goal, dependent on each other. 
    It was an almost spiritual experience, learning to use the gear train, feeling the connection through the shifter cables to the cassette and chainrings, fine tuning, tickling the shifters, going up a gear, or down a gear, trying to zero in on the sweet spot, to optimize the combinations to match the environmental factors – how much wind?  How steep the grade?  How fatigued the rider?  I became one with the bike, happy to work together to complete the climb. 
    Early on, we decided to get up early and try to beat the traffic.  That was necessary in Oregon along the coast, and on the busy highways we encountered.  Later on, it was good to beat the heat, too.  Mostly, we would start by six am.  Even though I am an early morning person, I would have liked to start a bit later, after a hot breakfast and a cup of coffee or hot chocolate.  And then, we would be finished with our ride by 1 or 2 pm, having covered maybe 80 or 90 miles.  That is a pretty good day’s ride, and we were tired.  But it often felt like too early to quit to me, even though we had done a lot of miles.  When hiking the Appalachian Trail, I would usually get up at first light, eat breakfast, hike until almost dark, trying to cover as many miles as I could.  But with the way we were riding, we had to identify a potential camping location each day and so many times we stopped due to the limitations of camping sites.  That’s one of the ways the experience “wasn’t what I thought it would be.”
    Just as on the AT hike, I loved the experience of being outdoors for days on end.  We camped virtually all the way.   The only time we slept indoors was one night in Missoula, one night in a camping cabin, a few nights in church hostels (and once a volunteer fire department), and two motels in Virginia near the end.  Camping is a lot of work, but the experience of being outdoors for me is wonderful.   We fortunately had good weather, very little rain, so that helped a lot.  Jeff and Jack expressed a few times that they didn’t enjoy the fact that every day they had to put up and take down their tent.  I was a bit luckier – usually Sue would stay in the sleeping bag until we were gone, so she took care of the tent.   But I was used to the daily routine from the AT experience.  Nevertheless, when waking up in the middle of the night, I frequently took a minute or two to figure out where I was.  Since being home, I am still a little bit uncertain of where I am when I awake during the night.  But it’s coming back to me.
    Another subtle pleasure I had along the way was color.  I get a feeling of pleasure at the vibrant colors of nature that surround me as I ride along.  A brilliant blue flash of a bird crossing the road in front of me, bright yellow sunflowers, streaks of red rock on the side of the road, purple flowers, white banks of snow, green fields of corn – each sensory delight I am blessed with brings joy to my heart as I ride along.  And there were thousands of such moments along the way as we cycled across the land.
    Near the beginning, I thought we would quit.  In fact, I was hoping that Jack and Jeff would bail out and say let’s go home.  The ride was hard, and traffic was abominable, and I was struggling to keep up the pace that Jack and Jeff were setting.  It “wasn’t what I thought it would be”, and I was willing to give it up.    But after a week or so, it was clear that Jeff was committed to continuing, in order to complete the commitment he had made to the MPS society to do the ride as a way to call attention to the childhood disease that his daughter Aly suffers from.  That motivation, I think, changed the way I perceived the ride, and motivated me to continue, to be an assistance to Jeff in completing the ride.  Without that motivation, I would have given up.  So, a big thank you to Jeff and Aly for keeping me on the bike. 
    One thing that struck me repeatedly, especially when we stopped for pancakes and coffee in the morning, was watching people headed off for work.  Here we were, riding across the country – me retired, Jeff and Jack both teachers spending most of their summer riding – and here were all these people dutifully headed off for work.  I spent most of my life working, going to work faithfully every day, but still I felt a bit guilty, like I was playing hooky from my responsibilities.  I am a very lucky fellow to have this opportunity.
    Early on, it was very cold.  We started many mornings off with temperatures in the thirties.  I have done many rides in the winter, but usually no more than an hour and a half.  Here we were spending the entire day riding in the cold.  Later on, of course, it was very hot.  In eastern Colorado and Kansas, and on into Illinois and Kentucky, it was often in the nineties and for a while it was over a hundred.  On such days, you can only imagine what a pleasure it was to be able to fill your water bottle with ice and water.  At several of the cafes we stopped at, clearly the waitresses were accustomed to having cyclists stop in, and they volunteered to take our water bottles and fill them with ice and water.  Those ladies will surely be blessed with a special place in heaven for their kindness.  Of course, it also had a bearing on the tip I left, too. 
    As noted, we often stopped for pancakes and coffee in the morning.  Especially out west, there always seemed to be a nice mom-and-pop café in the small towns that was the gathering place for the local folks.  It is difficult to put into words how good a cup of coffee can taste after riding thirty or forty miles, and pancakes with butter and syrup bring waves of pleasure to the taste buds.  It must be something about the physical exertion that heightens the senses to new levels of experience.  If you don’t know what I am talking about, you should try it – push yourself to the limits, and indulge in whatever culinary pleasure you like and see if it is not enhanced to the point of ecstasy. 
     When we came to hills, Jack was the one hammering his way to the top.  He seemed to just love the challenge of the climb.  He gloried in the pain.  Me, I pumped for a bit, but quickly gave in to the temptation to reach down into my lower gears and crawl my way to the top.  Especially after it got hotter, I was sweating up a river. The sweat would just pour off of me, running in little rivulets down off my nose onto the handlebars.  I could watch the accumulation as I struggled up the hill.  On one day in Kansas, on the day I suggested we go beyond our 65 mile planned target and go another 40 to Landen, and it meant turning south into what surely was 35 or 40 mph headwinds for about 18 miles, I dropped way behind Jack and Jeff.   Sue came and rescued me by enabling me to refill my water bottles.  I inched my way against that wind, watching my odometer drop to 6 mph, then 5, sometimes stopping every mile to rest, my head hanging on the handlebars, dripping sweat.  I finally pulled into Landen long after they had arrived, but I was exhilarated by the fact that I had made it successfully.   I will never forget the winds of Kansas.
     In the beginning, we rode mostly together, in a pace line.  Riders in a pace line can conserve their energy, drafting off the person in front, resting a bit, waiting for their turn in front when they have to set the pace.  This actually worked fairly well, although I was always the weakest rider, and they had to slow down for me at times.  But later on, we decided to ride our own pace.  Jack would always trudge ahead.  As time went on, Jeff became noticeably stronger, and he would pretty much keep up with Jack.  I was the slower one, and reluctantly resigned myself to the fact that I was going to ride alone and get into camp long after them.  Once we got into this routine, I was actually much happier, although it was sometimes lonely to ride alone most of the day.  But just like on the Appalachian Trail, you have to settle in to your own pace.  Hike your own hike, ride your own ride. 
    On the long climbs, and the long lonely rides after we started riding separately, I had a lot of time on my hands.  One of the reasons endurance events such as this and the AT appeal to me is it helps me to purge out the bad stuff – bad memories, guilt, anger, despair, bitterness.  And it seems that in such endeavors, I instinctively fall back on the template that I learned in my youth, and I pray.  Sometimes it is simple rote prayers such as the rosary – it took a lot of Hail Mary’s to climb some of those hills.  I also have used the format of morning prayer and evening prayer from the Prayer of Christians.  Even though I have in recent years become less and less bound by doctrine and dogma and ecclesiastical authority, nevertheless I still feel the hand of God in the world, and so I pray.  In morning prayer, there are two optional invocations.   One is “ Lord, open my lips and my mouth will proclaim your praise!”  The other is “Oh  God, come to my assistance, Lord, make haste to help me!”  Which one feels most appropriate on a given day depends on how hopeful and optimistic I feel, or how bad the traffic is, or how beautiful the surroundings.  But always, prayer helps me to center myself and put aside the negativity and try to do good.  And so I prayed as I pedaled.
    We met another east-bound rider in Kentucky named Lyle, from Hawaii.  He was a retired teacher, and had biked around Hawaii all his life.  Literally, a round Hawaii.  He would do a ride in a circle and always wind up where he had started.  The great thing about his ride for him was that he was seeing different stuff every day.  And we had the same experience.  Every day, every ride was something new to us, different around every bend.  It will be hard to adjust to doing the same rides over and over again.
    Would I do it again?  Probably not, although I would like to try some short unsupported overnights closer to home.   Would I recommend it to others?  I have some strong concerns about the route that we followed.  Some of the roads were, in my opinion, not suited for cycling.  I am sure there are some other routes that would be a bit safer to ride.  To anyone interested, I’d recommend looking into other routes.  Or at least be flexible enough to time your rides to take advantage of any low-traffic times that might be available on the roads in Oregon and Idaho. 
    And I cannot say “thank you” enough to Sue for her patience and perseverance in providing support to us on the trip.  Living with the three of us for two months like that in camping conditions was way beyond difficult. We could not have done this trip without her.  She had to endure a lot.
    And yes, it is truly great to be back home,

    If anyone has any questions about our experience, feel free to leave a comment and I am sure one of us will be happy to reply.

Thursday, August 1, 2013

A few photos...

July 31 - Yorktown!

July 31, 2013

In the infamous words of Reese Witherspoon in “Legally Blond”, we did it!!!!

We landed in Yorktown around 2:30.  Had our picture taken at the Yorktown sign, the Victory Monument, and at the water with our front wheels in the water, the customary/traditional way to end a trip across the country.  Not sure if it has really set   in yet.  Kind of a mixed bag.  Feelings of relief, happiness, and wow we did it.  We are still waiting for the band to show up with the confetti.

The day began around 6:15.  It ended up being another 100 mile day.  Two centuries in a row. Out of Ashland, we went through Mechanicsville, pop 36,000 (of course, there were auto mechanic shops all over the city), Elko, Glendale, Charles City, Williamsburg, and then into the city of Yorktown.  Our mecca.  We were to meet along a bike trail that paralled the main road for coffee and pancake;  but no go, not open.  So we never got our café stop on the last day.  Kind if random, but yesterday, saw a school with nickname, the Flucos.  High school today called Chickahominy High School. Gas station coffee.  Not many places for services along the way, so we were all very low on walter by the end of the day.  Trail took us along the Colonial Parkway which was like riding on cobblestones.  It is actually called aggregate.  Very rough riding the last 30 miles or so.  Fitting way to end the trip.   We would have rather had mountains.  Almost.  Trail through the last part and Williamsburg was very complicated and confusing.  Even Jerry got lost once.  First time in 3,900 miles and it happened on the last day.  The ironic thing was that I helped him get back on the right path/direction.  He was my guardian angel the entire trip.  He is the best map man ever.  Besides that, the award for the toughest rider also goes to Jerry.  He’ll probably hate me for saying this, but he will be 64 in August.  All I can say is how many 64 year olds do you know that could have done what he did.  When I’m  64 (isn’t that a Beatle’s tune?), I hope I remember what he did and if I could do it at that age.  Incredible.   He got up everyday and got it done.  Kudos to my brother.

So we are staying a church that has a house for bicyclists.  We have the entire house along with another cyclist who also finished today and a $500 a night view of the Bay in Yorktown.  Life is good.  We went out to dinner to celebrate our accomplishment.  Sue had plaques made for us.  We ate at the Yorktown Pub.  Draft beer finally.  Went to Ben/Jerry’s after dinner.  While sitting outside, this band of young people comes marching down a side street playing Revolutionary times music.  They marched through the downtown/waterfront area for about 30 minutes and then disappeared back up the hill.  Very bizarre.  Had a peanut butter/banana shake.  Best ever.  Got to get the Silver Grove Dari Bar in on this one.

This will be the last blog entry. It may be a little lengthy, but I have some people to thank and some things to say.   Some members of the family are meeting us in Virginia Beach at the  end of the week for our family vacation, but I’m sure you  don’t want to hear about my time there in the blog.  We are not sure what we will do after today.  We had talked about finding a route to ride to Virginia Beach, but we are not sure if we really want to ride tomorrow.  We are a little sore and washed out.  Jack flies out on Saturday morning to make his entrance back into normal life.  As we speak, he is up the street in Yorktown helping a lady who gave us walter before, weed her garden.  I’m not kidding you.  Fruits and nuts.  He weeded for about an hour and then she invites him in to talk more about Yorktown.  Jack got her name and number so we can call her for a tour some time next week.  She also gave Jack one of her keepsake books about the history of Yorktown so we can read about the city.  He does have the silver tongue.  I guess he also gets the Good Samaritan award of the day again.

We finished the trip in 54 days.  We began on June 8.  We finished about two-three days ahead of schedoole (schedule).

Back in my first line, I mentioned that “we did it”.  Well,we is only a two letter  word, but it is a huge word in relation to this trip. 

First of all we is myself, Jerry, Jack, and Sue.  We set out on this adventure and we saw  it through.  We overcame a lot of trials and tribulations.  The dynamics of the trip changed constantly.  You put four people together for 54 days, and it is not going to be without its trials.  But we persevered and now we are in Yorktown.  When we were in Missoula back in June, we almost quit.  The trip was not what we envisioned.  There was the traffic and the weather and the camping.  I think the trip became more of a mental  challenge than a physical challenge.  But here we are in Yorktown just like we hoped we would be.  The experience is one that we will never forget.

We is also all of you who were praying for our safety and offering encouragement.  I guess it helped.  No one got hurt or injured.  We had some ailments, but nothing a few ibuprofen, ice, or A and D ointment couldn’t fix.  Maybe that’s  TMI.  I know when I was home for the Berea weekend, and we had some friends over, their interest and enthusiasm was very encouraging to me to finish.

We is all of you who donated to the MPS Society.  Last I looked it was up close to $4,000.  I was a little discouraged in the beginning at the amount, but I had to remind myself of what my goals were.   And I realize these can be tough economic times for some people and you get bombarded with charities, so I tried to keep it all in perspective.   One of my goals was to give back to the MPS Society by raising money which we did, and secondly to create more awareness for the children  and families that deal with MPS diseases every day.  I passed out some cards across the country and those of you that have been reading  the blog, I hope you have checked out the web page for the MPS Society to maybe learn a little about these “special kids”.  So, I feel good about that.  The donation page was an encouragement for me to finish.  And if people were made more aware of the MPS Society, the trip was a huge success.

We is all the people who helped Mary while I was away.  I am not going to mention names in fear of forgetting someone.  But all the spa nights that were held, and the people who  picked up Aly or watched her for Mary.  Thank you.  In the  talks that I  give for the “Everybody Counts” Program, I always refer to Aly as a ”high maintenance babe”.  Usually Mary and I share the care, but Mary had  to assume my roles also.  She requires a lot of care, and we appreciate what you have done for us.  Without you, it doesn’t happen.

We is also my family, Nicki, Becky, and Tom who helped Mary with Aly.  And offering support to me  all along the way.  And handling the web site with MPS Society.  Nicki played a big part in the promotion of the trip. Thank you all.  Your encouragement spurred me on.  It was important to me that you were proud of your dad.  I didn’t want to let you down.

And finally we is my lovely bride and wife who made this trip possible.  When we were planning this trip almost a year ago, I kept saying I shouldn’t go, but Mary said, yes you should go, it is the chance of lifetime.  Not every spouse would have done that.  I am very lucky.  And I know paybacks are hell.   But the responsibility she  took on of taking care of Aly and working full time was very difficult.  I know. She also had the grass to cut and the pool to maintain.   I had the easy job.  I  got to ride my bike every day and see the country.  It was a chance of a lifetime and an experience I will never forget.  She had the hard job.  Every time I called and talked to Mary, she never let on how difficult things really were.  She was always positive and encouraging.  She never let me know how tough things were.  She is a real trooper.  Without her willingness to take all that on, the trip would have never happened.  Thanks Mare.I can never thank you enough.  Like I said before in an earlier blog, the only thing that would have made the trip better is if you were here with me to see all  the things I saw and got to meet all the people I got to meet.

I want to thank my brothers for doing this with me.  We saw things. We met so many people. Shared experiences. And got to spend time together.  Shared a lot of laughs. We rode together for 54 days.  We experienced and saw  things we can talk about forever.  And we accomplished something nobody can ever take away from us.  And without their strength and patience and perseverance, it never would have been possible for us to finish.  They taught me a lot about camping, which I may never do again the rest of my life.  They taught me about riding and bike maintenance.  And I’m sure I am missing something.  The trip wasn’t without its issues, but like I said before, you put 3-4 people together for 54 days, every day isn’t going to be peaches and cream.  I have eaten more pancakes with them than anybody else I know.  We had joked at one time that when we get to Yorktown, we may be tempted to throw our bikes  in the bay.  Well, it all worked out.  Bikes are still dry.

I also want t thank Sue for  putting up with us and taking care of us.  She always made sure we had plenty of supplies.  Jelly  and peanut butter for our sandwiches and my crackers.  Bananas and oranges and snacks.  And she cooked for us 40 times probably.  And there were very few repeats.  We had pasta every night and she found a way to make it different each time.  And she had to find places out in the middle of nowhere for  us to stay.  And she was alone a lot.  Her job was the toughest of the four of us.  And she had to sit there every night and hear us tell stories about the things we saw and did.  She is also a real trooper.  Maybe she is actually crazier than the three of us that did the riding. Not just anyone could have done what she did.

I want to wish safety and good luck to the dozens of cyclists we saw along the way.  Hope they all make it.  And safely like we did. 

And lastly, I want to thank all of you that have been following the blog and reading about our adventure.  I enjoyed doing it.  There wasn't one time that I didn’t want to do it.  Sometimes after those 100 mile days, I was a little washed out and I’m not sure how much sense I was making, but I really enjoyed the writing.  Hope I didn’t bore you to tears.

So, I guess this is the end.  Thanks for reading

If you ever plan on doing a trip like we  did, please talk to one of us.  We had no idea what we were in for or what it would be like.  Not that we are experts, but we could give you some sound advice.

Slater (see you later)

Jeff W. Von Handorf

July 30

July 30, 2013
Last night, we all explored the campus of the University of Virginia on our own.  Jerry and Sue went to eat at the Virginian and Jerry got the Virginia Burger.  Jack ate at Christian Pizza, and I ate at Trinity Pub.  I hit Happy Hour and steins of Shock Top were $4.  I also watched a little Sportscenter and bought a USA Today to begin my orientation and adjustment back to normal life.  I am going to move slowly.  I also watched a little more Sportscenter back at the room.  Jack found a bookstore finally and bought the book “Stumbling Upon Happiness”.  It is a book that came highly recommended by a motorcycle guy back in Montana (?).  The.   campus is really something.  Very Jeffersonian. The Rotunda was very cool and I also walked to the football stadium and tried to talk my way in to see the field.  No go.  There is a spot from the North end where you can see just about everything through a fence.  Cool place.  Campus is landlocked a lot like UC.  Lot of history in Charlottesville.  I also got a frozen yogurt on my way back to hotel.  Red Roof Inn gets a D-.  No ice machines working except on 7 and 8th floors. That’s ok but no signs on the broken machines.  No continental breakfast.  No fitness room.  And they charge you up front for a safe in your room. They refund the $1.50 when you check out.  Not impressed with Red Roof.  Could be my last visit to the Roof.  Put Charlottesville on your day trip list.  But don’t stay at the Red Roof.

We got off about 6:00-6:30.  The route went through town and past Monticello.  It was closed and could not get a look at it.  Jack had to return to town to have something done to his bike, so he got a late start.  Jerry and I had coffee in Palmyra.  We went through Cunningham but did not see Richie or Willie.  Kents Store, Tabscott, and then we had lunch at Mineral, pop 467.  Next town was, and I am not making this up, Bumpass.  We thought for sure there would be a souvenir stand in town selling t-shirts, coffee mugs, etc.  As Jerry commented, somebody is missing out on a huge marketing opportunity here.  I’m sure you get the picture.  Then it was onto Ashland, home of Randolph-Macon College.  Pop 7,225.  We are in an RV park.  It even has a fitness room.  Hear that Red Roof.  Has a pool and showers.  Right next to expressway.  Could be rough sleeping.  When I got into town, and this happens all the time, it seems that nobody knows where the campground is.  Or 3 out of 4 people you talk to “aren’t from here”.  Makes it difficult.

Rode about 100+ miles.  70 yesterday.  About 90 left for tomorrow into Yorktown.  Terrain had some hills in beginning, but flat thereafter for the most part.

Mailbox award goes to a mailbox painted like Old Glory.  Saw a couple deer and blue heron.  Jerry saw some pileated woodpeckers.  Think Woody Woodpecker.

Jerry has been leading a double life. Yesterday, Jack stopped by a produce place and bought a peach as I mentioned yesterday.  Apparently Jerry went to the same place, but instead of buying a peach, he just picked his own off a tree near the road.  And we all thought he was so honest.  Next time he visits, better watch him.  No cornfield is safe either.  He reminds me of OJ.

Into Yorktown tomorrow.  Hope the band is prepared.  Hope confetti has been cut.  And the champaign chilled.

 Hope you can handle one more blog.

Jeff, Jerry, Jack, andSue

Monday, July 29, 2013

July 29 - Jeff

Leftovers from yesterday.  Jack wins the Good Samaritan award of the day for yesterday.  On the way into Lexington, Jerry spotted Jack helping a little old lday.  He was pushing his bike and carrying her groceries.  He thought at one point he may have to carry her too.  Probably Stonewall Jackson’s wife.  Jack also saw a shepherd.  An honest to god shepherd with the turbine and leading sheep across a pasture.  I think Jack may be hallucinating.

We have had bad luck with campgrounds.  Now it could be that we turn in about 8-8:30 each night.  But we seem to have noise every time we camp. Last night it was a party at the campground followed by dogs barking endlessly into the night.  Then thunder and lightning started but I guess the rain gods were smiling on us because the rain never did appear.

We all got off between 6 and 6:30 to attack the last mountain.  On the way toward Vesuvius, the daily mailbox winner appeared.  A beautiful brick pillared mailbox with a huge concrete turkey on top.  One thing missing, no house.  It sat next to a creek and we looked around and saw no evidence of a residence.  Also on the way, you know how we have talked about the dawgs.  Well, this German shepherd suddenly appeared next to me.  And he ran with me for about 3 miles.  Just accompanying me along the road.  Kind of strange.  He’d sprint ahead, stop at a tree, catch up to me, stop for a poop, and catch up again.  He moved at a good clip.    Lost him on a downhill.

The mountain was much ado about nothing.  Not nearly as bad as we anticipated.  Jack and Jerry didn’t even stop on the way up.  I stopped twice. Even used my granny gear.  I guess I get the pink tutu.  I just felt, why kill myself.  After the “climb”, we went along the Blue Ridge Parkway.  Very nice.  Highly recommend riding along this road in a car or on a bike.  Great scenery if you like mountains.  We could even see the ultimate, flat land below.    We went through Reeds gap, Rockfish Gap, and then into Afton which was our tentative destination.  Well, we got there about 10:30 and Afton was no more than a post office.  We decided to head for Charlottesville. We went through Greenwood and White Hall.  Jack stopped for a fresh peach.  Hard as a rock.  Jack was not happy.  But he was happier before when we stopped at the Rockfish Gap Country Store.  Popcorn.  Jack was in hog heaven.  Jerry and I got coffee that came out of a one cup dispenser.  Not the same or as good as gas station coffee.

After a lot of confusion, we ended up in a Red Roof Inn for lack of a place to stay.  Charlottesville is the home of the University of Virginia.  I didn’t realize that until we entered the city.  Looks like the college is the entire town.

Tomorrow, we head out hoping to be able to finish the trip in two days.  We are on flat land!!

Jeff, Jerry, Jack, and Sue

July 28 - Jeff

Left around 7:00 this morning. Hotel had a continental breakfast.  Pretty weak.  No bananas.   On the way out going back toward the trail, went past Lord Tortboute High School.  Looked like it rained during the night a little, but it did not rain the entire day.  Sunshine as we speak.  Little humid at times.

Went through Troutville, pop 431, Buchanan, pop 1,178, and into Lexington, pop7,042.  Stopped at the Mountain View Grill just outside of Buchanan just  across the James River.  Had pancakes and a bonus, fresh fruit.  Had no choice. All breakfast had a number.  Ours was number 3.  Talked to a couple from DC in there.  Very interested in our trip.  Nice people.  Her husband was an avid watcher of the Tour De France.  Last Monday at dinner, when Joan and Dave and Jay ere with us we talked about there being no Tour for the women.  This guy said there is one in the planning stages.

Went past a church with a slogan.  It said, “Lifeguard on duty”.  We thought great, Kylie Von Handorf came to join our trip.  It wet on to say, “see John 3:16”.  Lexington was a cool town.  Lot of history there.  Could see Stonewall Jackson’s tomb from the road.  Was talking to a guy at a church.  Took me in to show me where Stonewall actually sat in the church.  So I can say I was in the church that Stonewall Jackson attended.  What a claim to fame.  We stopped in quaint little restaurant called Macado.  Lot of character and they had Shock Top on tap.  We could not participate because we had 8 more mils to go.  Lexington is the home of VMI and several other colleges.  Went by a football stadium.  Very small.  They may not have a football team or there could be another stadium somewhere.  I hope so because it was pretty dismal.

We ended up in a place outside of Lexington called Mallard Duck Campground.  Showers and restrooms.  Jack and I got lost on the way.  Did a few extra miles. Drying out our tents and shtuff.   Jack also did extra miles earlier.  Rode up a mountain to the  Blue Ridge Parkway.  Jerry and I declined to participate.  He is an animal.

Mailbox award today goes to the Swartz’s in Virginia.  Not really different, but there were about 10 mailboxes.  It appeared that the entire family lived back on this land, everybody had their own house.  I can see the Von Handorf’s doing that.

Early in the trip, Jerry and Sue’s stove suffered a painful death.  Had to be replaced.  Jerry and Sue bought a new Coleman stove at a Kroger type place.  It began falling apart soon thereafter.  Screws would appear beneath the stove after a use.  Duct tape became our friend to keep the stove together.  Jerry e-mailed Coleman about the problem.  Last week, Coleman mailed a new stove to Jerry at his old address on Monroe Street.  Kudos to Coleman. 

Tomorrow, we head over the mountain to flatter land.

Jeff, Jerry, Jack, and Sue

Sunday, July 28, 2013

A Note About Aly, our Silent Partner

As I mentioned in an earlier blog entry, one of the major factors in getting us this far in our trek has been the commitment that Jeff has had to completing the journey as a way to raise awareness of the children experiencing genetic diseases such as the San Felipo syndrome that his daughter Aly has.  Along the way, every night he has talked to his wife Mary and most of the time it seems they have discussion about the various medical issues or care issues going on with Aly.  No special needs child could have better parents than Jeff and Mary, along with Aly’s sisters, Nicki and Becky.  They are an inspiration to all of us.  If perhaps you have enjoyed following us on this unlikely dance across the country, maybe smiled, or laughed, or groaned, or shed a tear at our misadventures, and if you are so inclined, you can still join in with a donation to the MPS society that provides support to Jeff and Mary and the other parents of MPS children by going to Aly’s website at  and go to the Aly Von Handorf Courage Page.   Thank you!
   Jerry and Sue

Saturday, July 27, 2013

July 27 - Jeff

July 27, 2013

Leftovers from last night.  We had our second campfire of the trip last night.  Jack needed to be a firebug for a while. He struggled a little, citing the “green wood”.  I played a few games of solitaire, going winless.  Sue played once and won.  Sue made a dinner with asparagus in it and strawberry shortcake for dessert.  Good shtuff.  At our campground, a little kid started crying around 9-10:00.  Didn’t stop until about 12:30.  Don’t know what they did for him or to him.  Then as soon as he stopped crying, the rain began and didn’t end until about 8:00.  Tents all wet.  Those of you who camp know what a mess it is to pack up the tents wet.  Yesterday, we saw a store called Shultzie’s.  Wytheville wins the award for the best water tower so far.  Painted like a hot air balloon, multiple colors.

Today, we left later than usual, waiting for a break in the rain.  That ended up being about the only break all day, as we rode in the rain almost the entire day.  As long as you didn’t stop, you really didn’t realize it was raining we were so wet.  Had to ride a little slower around the curves, but all in all, a good day of riding.  About 60 miles.  Beautiful countryside.  Streams.  A couple of rebel flags.  Several anti-Obama signs left over from the last election.   And a lot of nice homes.  Some so far up, you wonder if they airlifted them in.  We went through Radford, pop 15,140 home of Radford University.  Coach, I kept looking for signs commemorating your career at Radford.  Didn’t see any of those, but there was a “Whoa Nelly” real estate sign.  Then it was on to Christiansburg, pop 19,373. Beautiful subdivision jsust before the city. Then it was onto Ellet.  Stopped at a little gas station/food mart.  No lights on.  Power was out.  Coffee was not too warm.  But they were nice people and had free walter for cyclists.  Lot of nice homes on the way out of Ellet.  On the way to Ellet, there is this phantom bridge that looked like it was an expressway bridge, but one thing missing.  No cars.  Jack asked a local yokel about the bridge.  Dubbed the Smart Bridge.  The bridge cost an estimated $2 Billion according to the local, built with tax dollars by  Virginia Tech.  Different driving and weather conditions can be simulated on the bridge, from ice to snow, etc.  Toyota uses it for test drives evidently, or they used to.  The local was none too happy about the bridge being a taxpayer.  He said the bridge is referred to as the “dumb” bridge.  After Ellet, there were no services whatsoever until we got to Daleville, pop 2,257.  Trigger and Roy were nowhere to be seen. 

Today’s mailbox award is actually a repeat from one in Montana  or Idaho, a big fish with mouth open.

Traffic was almost nonexistent for most of the trip.  For a Saturday, I guess the rain kept people and dawgs inside.

We decided to Super 8 it tonight with the rain, wet tents, and wet clothes.  And we did Pizza Hut.  Really hit the spot.  So we are living large tonight besides no tents.

Tomorrow, we head for Lexington, about 50 miles.  Having a hard time locating a place to camp tomorrow.  Then, we are in position to attack our last major climb of the trip finally.  Just past the city of Vesuvius.  We call lit Mt. Vesuvius although that may not be the official name of the mountain.  Once we cross the mountain, we have smooth sailing into Yorktown.  Topography looks really flat compared to everything we have done.  Hopefully, it is not a delusion or a mirage.  Should take about two days to do the last part of the trip if all goes according to plan.  Landing in Yorktown sometime Wednesday.

We think rain is forecast for tomorrow.  Could be more of the same as today.

Thanks to all who recently donated to the Courage page.  Keeps me going.  Thank you.  Very encouraging.

Jeff, Jerry, Jack, and Sue

Testing the Limits

It rained quite a bit during the night, where we were camped at a very nice Virginia State Park called Clayton Lake.  It was still raining around 7 am, and I had a hard time getting up the resolve to ride in the rain.   But we have been very fortunate in that regard, and Jack was inclined to ride so after some hesitation we got started around 8 am.  What would it be to ride the across the country, and never ride in the rain?  We faced the winds of Kansas, monumental climbs along the way, cold weather - what's a little rain? The rain seemed to be tapering off for awhile, but then began drizzling and then raining off and on.  I rode the 20 or so miles to Christiansberg and stopped for a breakfast sub and coffee at Subway and then headed on.  The rain seemed to pick up from there, but the roads were nice and traffic light.  Although it was sort of miserable conditions, after you accepted the fact that you were wet it didn't really matter.  Just like I was able to hike in the rain on the AT, riding in the rain became just a mental challenge to be overcome.  Once I got over that, the ride was marvelous.  The scenery was beautiful, the road was good, almost no traffic, and I felt good.  The route goes through Catawba,  and the AT was just up on the ridge above the road, and crossed at one point.  There are two of the best "photo-ops" on the AT near Catawba - Dragon's Tooth and McAfee's Knob, and of course The Home Place which is a restaurant that is famous among hikers, and I have vivid memories of the delicious feast about 18 of us had three years ago on the AT, but unfortunately they are not open until 4 pm so I had to pass it by this time.  All in all it was another absolutely marvelous ride and I felt great, and it sure was good to get to Daleville where Sue had gotten us a motel room where the hot shower and dry room were very welcome.  Hopefully the weather will  be dryer tomorrow and we can dry out our tent and stuff for tomorrow night.


Virginia.  Wow.  A few days into our trip, way back in Oregon, I was pretty well convinced that we would never complete the adventure.  I rated our odds at about 5-95, maybe less.  We were discouraged about traffic, unsure of our resolve and commitment, and on the verge of bailing out.  Now we have entered the final state, we have a manageable distance to cover, and there are only a few tough mountains to climb in our way before we hit the flatlands of Virginia headed for sea level at Yorktown.  How did we get here?  It’s almost as if we were transported from those bleak days back near the Pacific Ocean to this place, and all in between is a blur.  I think one of the biggest factors getting us here was the resolve and commitment that Jeff has had to finishing what he started regarding his commitment to the MPS group.  I was ready to throw in the towel, but he has always wanted to carry on.   Thank you Jeff for persevering.  

     In the next few days, we will be covering some familiar territory.  The Transamerica  route roughly parallels the Appalachian Trail in this area, and we will be going through some of the Trail Towns that I went through three years ago.  That will be a bit surreal.  Will I recognize the road crossings?   Remember the convenience stores and DQ’s that I may have stopped at?  Lately we have been staying at a number of church-sponsored hostels, which reminds me a lot of the hospitality I experienced along the Trail.  Many generous people have opened their doors to bikers along the way, just as people did on the AT.   On the AT, the last stretch is the Hundred Mile Wilderness in Maine, from Monson to Katahdin.  It kind of feels a bit like that now, as we prepare for the final push.  Here’s hoping the roads are friendly, the weather favorable, and that our bodies remain strong for the remaining days. 

July 26 - Jeff

Odds and ends.  Last night, I made my world famous Penne Pasta with Sun Dried Tomatoes.  We had vanilla yogurt and peaches for dessert which was Sue’s concoction.  We then added chocolate chip cookies to the mixture to make it more healthy.   I mentioned the Portolet we had.  It was actually level.  We had one in a [previous city that rocked and rolled when you got in there.  We have been shimmying portopotties and picnic tables all over the country.  Shower we had last night actually had a roof over top.  Earlier in the week at Elk Garden, we had an outdoor shower with no roof.  Saw our first Rebel Flag in Virginia today.  Kentucky had several along the route.  Last night we got into a horseshoe match.  Jack won  two and Jerry won one.  I scored a total of 2 points in my two matches.  We only played to 5, win by 2.  Pits were bad and  we seem to have no upper body strength anymore.  Maybe we should have played soccer.

We all left Troutdale this morning around 6:00.  Jerry left first followed by Jeff and then Jack.  Ride went through Sugar Grove, pop 792, Cedar Springs, Rural Retreat, pop 1,396, Wytheville, pop 7,762, Max Meadows, pop 532, Draper, pop 2,363, and Newbern.  We ended up in Clayton Lake State Park putting up tents for the first time since Monday.

The ride consisted of some great scenery through the Shenandoah Valley with the Mountains on both sides.  Virginia is as pretty a state as we have been through.  Pictures just don’t capture the scene sometimes.  We are at a point in the trip where sometimes I just want it to end.  Tired of riding, but today was rolling hills and little traffic and just great scenery.  Didn’t want it to end.  I wonder if I might feel that way at the end of the trip.  The riding is just hard to put into words.  Relaxing and mind clearing.

For anyone interested, there is a beautiful golf course on Route 11 on the way into Wytheville on the right had side coming from the west.  Had our pancake and coffee in Wytheville at the Virginia Heights Restaurant. People who ran the show there were very nice and we talked to them about how pretty their state was.  They had been to KY recently and said he same about our state.   We all agreed that we take  out states for granted.   Service was great and pancakes get an A.  Jack got his coffee at a coffee shop in the same city. 

On our way to Draper, we got stopped by a guy with a bike strapped to his roof.  He was trying to map a bike route to Bristol and needed some help from or maps.  Talking to him further, he and his wife were a relay participant in the Race Across America.  It is bike race that people do.  He and his wife did it in 8 days and 14 hours.  They ride day and night and get about an hour sleep at a time.

Mailbox award for today goes to the Riggins, outside of Wytheville for their mailbox that was a lighthouse.  About 6 feet tall, red and white striped like a candy cane.

Had lunch outside of Draper at a stop on the bike trail that goes through the woods for 57 miles.  They seem to have way more of that stuff out west and in Virginia than they have in KY.  Virginia is a very friendly bicycle state.  Jerry stopped and picked some wine and blackberries today

We saw a lunar moth today which is unusual because they usually only come out at night.

We rode about 70 miles today.  We are positioning ourselves for the climb over the Big V.

Went by a baseball field in the city of Max Meadows with a poem- like story on the dugout about sportsmanship.  I took a picture of it on my phone, but I can’t read the words until I hook it up to a computer.  I’ll try to publish that later.  It was very insightful about adult behavior at little kid’s sporting events.  Saw a house with shtuff growing in their gutters.  Interesting idea.  Never have to  clean out   your gutters.  Rode along a road that paralleled the expressway I- 81 today.  Those people sure drive fast.

Tomorrow’s ride looks a lot like today as far as the topography goes.  Then we get Vesuvious  on Monday.   And then it is smooth sailing into Yorktown, hopefully.  The “76” signs are still guiding us along the route.  Wish all the states had these signs.

Jeff, Jerry, Jack, and Sue

Friday, July 26, 2013

july 25

Shout out to our brother Jim, 45th bertday today. 

Last night I said we stayed at Elk something.  It was officially Elk Garden, United Methodist Church.  We have seen zillions of churches.  You will see Regular Baptist, Freewill Baptist and they are distinctly different.  Some even involve hiccupping during the services.  And no notes when addressing the congregation. 
I have seen more  bananer trees.  I saw one in a pot bigger than the ones I have at home.  Lots of kudzu still.  It is like a weed taking over our country.  It grows over our shoulder on the road many times.  It covers and smothers trees. 

We left just before sunrise.  Had a major climb right out of the chute.  The other climbs were  not as bad as anticipated.  Very gradual even though they were high.  Rides were beautiful.  Lots of streams again and mountains, Blue Ridge.  Beautiful backdrop.  Saw a couple waterfalls on the streams.  Last major climb is Mt. Vessuvious, a couple days away.  Glad to be finished with most of the  climbs.  Our goal is almost in reach.  We can almost smell the ocean.

Went through Hayters Gap, Meadowview, pop 967, Damascus, pop 1025, Konnarock, and then into Troutdale, 464.  We are in a hostel that is for hikers and bikers.  It is along the Appalachian Trail (AT).   Damascus is a big stop on the AT.  The hostel is at the Baptist Church of Troutdale.  Has bunks and showers and a Jobsite Johnny Portolet.  No tents.  Jack stopped in Meadowview for coffee and shook some babies and kissed some hands.  Jerry and I and Sue stopped in Damascus.  We thought there would for sure be a café there, but they were not open and we had to settle for some “pancakes” at a place called Cowboys. I will give them a C-.  We crossed the AT several times.  Jerry recognized many of the places from his trip on the AT back in 2010.  Damascus a trail called the Virginia Creeper Trail which is a bike trail made of crushed limestone.  It provides things to do for tourists.  Couple of bike rental places in Damascus for anyone interested in a day trip to Damascus.

In Virginia, they actually recognize the Transamerica Trail.  There are these signs with a bike and the year 1976 on them.  They are like markers along the trail telling you when to turn and reassuring you that you are on the right road.  The only state that has had them.  1976 was the first year the trail was traveled as part of the bicentennial.

When we got to the hostel, Jack said that it was a great ride, but he wanted to see the last hill from the other direction.  I thought he was only kidding, but he got back on his bike and road back up the same hill he just came down just for fun.  Needless to say, I didn’t accompany him.  We have a beautiful view from the front porch of the hostel of the Blue Ridge Mountains.  Quiet and peaceful and no bugs.  The last couple days and nights, it seems like the bugs have disappeared.  Can’t figure it out, but why question it.  Live for the moment.

While Jack was riding backwards, he ran into a guy whose buggy was off the road.  He helped him get in all the way off the road until  horses cam to pull him back.  He gets the Good Samaritan award for today.  Jerry helped a turtle across the road earlier in the week, so kudos to him for doing that.  Jack thinks the turtle needs to learn  about the traffic and the consequences of walking so slowly across the road.  Darwin would be proud.  I saw two horses being ridden on the road.  Just like they were supposed to be there.  They also left some bonus material on the road. 

Tentative plans are to head for Radford tomorrow.  Closer and closer to the promisesd land, Yorktown.
Today  we did about 60 miles, 76 to Radford.

Jeff, Jerry, Jack, and Sue

July 24

Just when we thought it couldn’t get any better, it did.  Today, we are in Rosedale, Virginia, at a little community church called Elk something.  They have been putting up bikers for over 30 years.  We have a shelter with picnic tables, a kitchen inside, refrig, stove, and a place to put our air mattresses and Jack’s pad.  Again, no tents.  These little “gold mines” have been an unexpected bonus.  Last night’s place even had an ice machine.

Little bit of rain early this morning.  Our plans were to leave about 6:15.  Jack left soon thereafter, but Jerry and I waited until about 6:50 to make sure the rain was officially over.   None of us saw rain the rest of the day.  Right out of the chute almost we had a hill, but it was a “kitten” compared to the hill we ended with yesterday.  Roads were wet, climate was humid.  We went through the towns of Hellier, Ashcamp, Elkhorn City, pop 1050, the last city we saw in KY.  Then it was onto Breaks and Breaks Interstate Park, Hays, pop. 186, Birchleaf, Bee, Davenport, Council, which had a beautiful city park, Honaker, pop 907 and onto Rosedale, pop 667.  Right before Honaker, there was a mountain that was pretty “challenging” called Big A.  We think the A stood for Big A#% Mountain, pardon my French.  And then there was a little surprise mountain just before we made it into Rosedale.  Honaker is the Redbud Capital of the World and the Honaker Lady Tigers were 2013 Virginia State Softball Champions.  Breaks Interstate looked like a good place to return to maybe.  Beautiful river and canyons and rock formations.  Bad thing today was that there was no place to get a pancake and a cup of coffee.  Today we went 62 miles.  We are now in our 10th and final state.  It seems like the middle part of the trip is somewhat of a blur.  Seems like we were in Montana and now we are in Virginia.  Today was our 46th day on the road.

Seems like the poverty is not as bad now.  Just crossing into Virginia seemed like it all changed.  I called Virginia the Mountaineer state yesterday, but I’m told that is West Virginia.  What is Virginia called then?

Thrones.  We were in a restaurant the other day where you had to go up a step, a big step, to get into the little boy’s room.  And then you had to go up another step to sit on the throne.  Of course, they had a disclaimer on the door saying “they weren’t responsible for injuries”.  Yesterday, along the road, I saw an outhouse with the door open that had two thrones.  How about that.

We have of course seen thousands of street signs.   Have not really mentioned a lot of those.  Today’s highlights were Patty Loveless highway (I had no idea who she was) and Frying Pan Lane.

Jack had an interesting conversation with a truck driver who had a ticket in Pike County and had to take a class to get rid of points.  Conversation lead to cyclists, who he thought did not belong on the road.  He had other political type opinions about various topics.  Jack, knowing the guy would not hear anything he said, just nodded and conceded.

Tomorrow, we had for Troutdale.  Could be the hardest day we have had for a while.  Some major climbs.  After tomorrow, we have some flatter terrain before we get to Mt. Vesuvious, the granddaddy of them all.

Jeff, Jerry, Jack, and Sue

July 23

July 23, 2013

Well, we decided to stay and camp and not do the lodge.  Real troopers.   Rain held off.  Dave prepared a great meal of spaghetti and salad and Chips Ahoy Chocolate Chip cookies that he claimed to have baked.  Jay provided some beet salad.  Ate like kings and queens and shared a lot of good conversation.  Dave was given a lot of good friendly criticism, and he took it like a champ.  Besides his “Cadillac” tent, he also provided a tarp for the tables.  We tried to hire him on as “extra” personnel for the remainder of the trip, but he declined. How he could pass on that opportunity, I can’t figure.

So Dave and Joan and Jay deserve a shout out for taking care of us for the evening with food and good companionship.  But there is a disclaimer, Dave did not leave the extra spaghetti sauce like he said he would.

Most of us took a walk to the top of the dam to view Buckhorn Lake which is about 40 feet below the top of the damn.  The three of them got to view firsthand how our day goes and how we prepare for the next.  They were of course amazed.  Of course, everyone got to witness my new air mattress.  I brought an air mattress down that Mary bought.  It has a remote control for deflating and inflating.  It barely fits in my tent.  Little story about my tent.  Back in Missoula, our tents were wet from the night before.  Jerry and I thought it would be ok to put my Coleman, $69.99, special tent in the dryer for a short time.  Well, it went in a 3 man tent and came out a 2 man tent.  The plastic shriveled up on part of it.  Lesson learned.  So, the air mattress goes wall to wall.  But it is a dream.  All got a good chuckle out of the exhibition.

We left just before the break of dawn around 6:00.  Went through Chavies.  Had three “climbs” very early.  Went though Dwarf, but never really did see a sign.  It was probably really small.  Continued on through Emmalena, and Carrie (remember Sissy Spacek in that movie) and Hindman, pop 798.  Hindman was a cool little city.  Very artsy fartsy.  Little café that I wish we had stopped at, but we already had coffee earlier.  Neat little art town for those of you who like that sort of thing.  Would be a good day trip.  We went through Mallie and then into Pippa Passes, pop 295.   Pippa Passes is where Alice Lloyd College is located.  Nice little college.  It was 52 miles out.  We had talked about staying there.  They have a cycling course there evidently and we thought maybe we could talk them into letting us stay on the grounds.  But we decided that 52 miles was too short of a day and decided to move on toward Lookout which we did.  It was 90 miles total today.  Mountain just before Lookout was a de ja vou experience of Missouri.  Toughest mountain so far in KY.  We also went through Melvin where we met a guy sitting outside the gas station.  Said he used to go to Cincinnati to see the Redlegs play but hasn’t been back since the Big Red Machine days.  I couldn’t talk him into coming back.  Even offered my brother-in-law’s ticket.

Few dogs today.    No attacks.  We don’t seem too phased by them anymore.  Sue bought us some air horns to ward them off just in case.  We have whistles, air horns, and pepper spray.  We’re packing  and we’re loaded.

Scenery has been good.  Going through some Appalachia territory.  Lots of poor folks.  People living right on the road with their front doors open to get air.  You can look right in.  Kind of sad.  Places these people live in are just….. Hard to put into words.

We stopped or coffee in a gas station near Hazard.  The young lady behind the counter offered to give us free water out of the fridge because she said even she doesn’t drink the walter out of the tap.  Her accent did not fit her, but she had some good stores about bicyclists who had stopped by in the past.  She was very entertaining.  We saw a  lot of kudzu  on the side of the road overtaking an entire hill.
Jerry used his whistle to scare away some dawgs today.

Found a cemetery spelled “cemetary” .  Janet, there is a need for reading teachers in Eastern Kentucky if you are interested.  I also saw a sign the other day that said”krunchy kreemes.”  I am a little worried.  I have seen misspellings all across the country.  We also noticed most of the cemeteries (?) in Kentucky are located up on hills.  Strange.  And they have names on them.

In Lookout, as we approached the destination which we weren’t sure of where it was, a little girl flagged us down and said we could stay  there.  It was the right place.  It is a pastor and his wife who have like a gym/community center that they make available to bicyclists all the time.  It has AC, a kitchen, showers, a pantry filled with food and treats.  A fridge stocked with shtuff.  And they just do this out of the kindness of their hearts.  This isn’t the first time it has happened.  Tomorrow night we already have a place lined up very similar.  Sometimes these places are a little “dirty” from the bicyclist the previous night.  Jack and Sue are currently doing a little sweeping.  Best part is "no tents”.

Sue had to get creative tonight since Dave did not leave his “special” sauce.  No one went away hungry.

Tomorrow, we head toward Rosedale.  60 miles.  Some biguns between here and there.  Our last day in the Bluegrass state.  Onto the Mountaineer state, our final state.

Jeff, Jerry, Jack, and Sue

Monday, July 22, 2013

July 22 - Jeff

Jerry and I made it to NKY and spent time with our families and slept in real beds.  Jack stayed in Berea and his family came down and visited him.  Everybody enjoyed the two days off of recovery and was ready to ride Monday morning.  Our bikes were stored in the basement of the Boone Tavern.  We met our sister Janet and her husband Don and son Adam as well as Christie, Jerry and Sue’s daughter, in Berea on Sunday and we had dinner together.  The four of us stayed at the Fairfield Sunday night so we could continue back on the trail on Monday.  I got to attend an MPS Regional picnic in Columbus on Saturday.  If you haven’t donated yet, try to do so.  Donation site is up to $2,400, with a goal of $5,000.  So far 39 people/families have contributed.  Thank you so much on behalf of the MPS Society.

Shout out to Drew Von Handorf (my godson) for winning the “Feed the Fork Folk Music Trivia Contest in G” during his stay in Berea.  How many people do you know who can say that?

We left the hotel parking lot a little before 6:00 and got back on the trail in front of the Boone Tavern about 6:05.  Went through cities Bighill, Sandgap, McKee, pop 884, Booneville, pop 112, and ended up near Buckhorn, pop 154 which is where our campground will be if it stops raining.  Otherwise, it could be on to the lodge at Buckhorn Lake.  The campground is just below the dam of Buckhorn Lake.  Ride today was beautiful.  Hills were not as bad as anticipated.  Few dawgs, but no attacks.  Felt good to be back on the bikes.  Today’s ride was 64 miles.  Light traffic today and trucks that were present, were all very courteous.  Hope that continues.

We met our brother Jay in Booneville for breakfast at a little café.  Pancakes were maybe a C+.   Coffee was not as good, but it still tasted good.

Our sitter Joan and her husband Dave met us at the campsite.  Dave brought his special spaghetti sauce for dinner.  Those plans may change with the current rain.

We are seeing a lot of old abandoned cars along the way.  Collector’s items.   Every time I go to a car show   which is about once every 5-20 years, I see the ’57 Chevy section, the Mustang section, the Camaro section, but never the Chevette section.  Well, guess what, on today’s ride there it was, the ultimate prize rusting in the tall grass somewhere between Booneville and Buckhorn, a ’79 or ’80 Chevette, white.  I may have to get my brother-in-law, Paul and go back and get that baby.

Tomorrow, trying to make it to Melvin (they’ll be no Melvin’s on this job) or if we get real brave, Breaker’s State Park in Virginia.  Not a whole lot of places to stay between here and there.

Jeff, Jerry, Jack, and Sue

Friday, July 19, 2013

July 19

July 19, 2013
Packed up the bikes and rode in the car back to the route where we left it yesterday.  Started riding about 6:50.  Ride was a little more hilly than yesterday.  In cycling terms that means some good climbs.    Several dawgs.  Problem with the dawgs is the person ahead rides through and pulls the dawgs out and the second person gets nailed.  Jerry hates me today.  Had pancakes and coffee in the Village Café in Burgin, pop 965.  Talked to some of the patrons, and they were very nice.  Maybe our opinion of Kentuckians will change.  We went through Harrodsburg just before that.  They had a café called the Blue Moon for future reference, but it didn’t open until 10:00, summer hours.  Rode through Herrington Lake.  Lots of boats.  Noticing that a lot of the state parks in Kentucky have golf courses.  Last couple of miles into Berea were flat   .  Nice to have some flat and some tail, as in tailwind.  And again, we have a beautiful state.  We just take it for granted.

Got to Berea and met Jack and Teri who were already in town.  We were able to store our bikes in the Boone Tavern until Sunday.  Then all hell broke loose.  Mary called me and suggested that she come and pick me up and bring me home and she would drive me back on Sunday.  We have an MPS event on Saturday and she and the girls were going to attend and get to Berea late on Saturday.  She thought this would work better with getting to spend more time with family.  So I agreed.  Then Jerry thought maybe he would do the same thing.  So we were able to cancel our rooms for Saturday night and we’re now on our way home in the van heading toward  NKy.  We will come back on Sunday and begin riding on Monday morning heading for Yorktown.  It should take us about 10 days.  We have about 750 miles over some good climbs.  Last couple days are flat heading for the Atlantic and our ultimate goal.

Back on Monday.

Jeff, Jerry, Jack, and Sue

July 18

July 18, 2013
Time changed on us again.  Makes a difference in the sun and departure times.  Left around 6:00.  Great sunrise.  Beautiful ride and again not many hills. Beautiful ride through Sonara.  Jerry had pancakes in Sonara.  Jerry found some nice Kentucky folk there.   A few dawgs.  Big hill just before Heaven Hill Distillery.  Ended up in a city called Springfield, home of St. Catharine College.  In the city park.  No showers but there are some available at a local aquatic center. Once we thought about all that, we remembered that there was a state campground at My Old Kentucky Farm.  So we packed up the bikes and rode backwards in the car.  We went and had a beer in a place called Mammie’s in Bardstown to toast our making it to Berea which at times seemed remote and impossible.   Tomorrow we make our ride into Berea.  Hallelujah.  Ride should be about 70 miles.

Still not finding the Kentucky people to be overly friendly.  Out west, it was so different.  Today we came over a route 150 that is not on the route.  Tried to shave a few miles.  Trucks and cars would not get over at all.  No shoulder to speak of.  Some deer today.  Still in Amish country.  Arnold from last night, the guy with all the schtick, was talking about the Amish and how they farm and how they like their beer.  Didn’t know that.

Camping was hot again.  Not sleeping very well.  Lots of cars on the road next to the campground.

Not much else to report.

Jeff, Jerry, Jack, and Sue

July 17

July 17, 2013

Great sleeping last night.  AC was great.  Brutal outside with the heat.  Sleeping in the tent would have been no fun.

Got an early start today.  Left around 5:10, but I had to go back.  Forgot my cell phone.  Went through Whiteseville, pop 552, where they had a high school called Trinity.  I always thought it was in Louisville and was much bigger.  Then it was onto Fordsville, pop 524, where we got a cup of coffee.  Went through Rough River State Resort.  Beautiful lake and dam.  Lots of boating.  Resort place.  Golf course nearby.  Then it was through McDaniels and Madrid (?), and I have no idea what city we are in or even if we are in a city.  We are staying at a hostel.  Lady has a store and she allows cyclists stay for a donation.  You can set up a tent in her backyard and she even provides a meal.  She has been doing this for 22 years.  Her daughter went to Elizabethtown High School.  Just one of the nice people we have met on the  trip.  She has like a side porch on the store where we can sit in the shade and just watch the cars go by.  Or she has some couches and tables inside to get out of the heat.

We did about 70 miles today.  Thought there would be more hills than there were.  A good ride.  About 170 miles from Berea. Looking forward to seeing friends and family.  Saw some dawgs  today.  Got chased by two.  No real wildlife.  Saw a sign advertising “fast rural Internet service”.  I saw that as maybe an oxymoron.  Not seeing as much UK Wildcat fever as I thought we  would.  Saw some Amish shtuff yesterday.  Saw a couple Catholic Churches. Overall, we have seen thousands of churches on the trip.  How do they all stay in business.  Saw a restaurant called The Knotty Pine and one called Boogie’s.  Climate is very humid just like home and very hot early.

One thing we have noticed is that the people we are seeing in the diners and places we stop are not nearly as friendly as earlier in the trip.  Not sure what that means.  Either we are getting grumpy or the people are  not as friendly.  I think it is the latter.

The meal was out of this world.  She made mashed potatoes, mixed  veggies, green beans, pasta salad, chicken, and we had sweet pickles that this local guy in the provided.  His wife cans pickles.  His name was Aaron and he reminded me of Andy Griffith.  He was funny and had that accent.  Arnold, Lucy’s husband was a hoot also.  After dinner, her daughter  Lauren engaged us in a game of foosball.  She and her dad were pretty good.  It was me and Arnold versus Lauren and the guy Lyle room Hawaii.  We split, each winning a game.  She wouldn’t let us help with dinner, so it was soon off to bed.  Hot as Hades.  Difficult sleeping and there were motion lights going off and on all night.  Like Chinese water torture.

Jeff, Jerry, Jack, and Sue


July 16

July 16, 2013

Packed up today and took the ferry to the Bluegrass State.  A good feeling.  But it’s weird because we are in our home state, but it seems like a foreign land.  None of us have ever been in this part of the state.  Lots of farms and lots of green.  People we have met that went east to west talked about how beautiful Kentucky was.  We were scratching our heads saying Kentucky?  Now I know what they meant.   After seeing the rest of the country, Kentucky is really a beautiful state compared to much of the US where many parts look like the moon.  I don’t think we appreciate it sometimes.

Hills are again part of our day.  Lots of them.  Not huge ones yet like we saw in Missouri.  Went through a city called Marion.  Had pancakes and coffee in Clay.  A place called Jeri’s.  Good food and service but not as friendly people as we have experienced other places.   Stopped for lunch in Sebree.  Then it was onto Utica, our destination.  We are in a volunteer fire department.  Since 1976, when the trail originated, they have been providing space for bicyclists.  It is a room about 20 X 60.  We have AC, washer and drier, showers, stove, fridge, but no Internet.  It is a godsend.  No tents again tonight.  Two other guys are staying here also.  This is their second night here.  One is a 19 year old from Pennsylvania.  The other is a 65 year old retired teacher from Hawaii.  They are both going east like us.  And two more guys just walked in.  Going to be a full house.

Few dogs today.  Only one seemed vicious.  Actually Jerry got chased once also.  Jack is feeling better and rode about 60 miles today.

Tomorrow is unknown currently.  We have to find somewhere to stay.  Not much available.

Saw a logging truck today.  Saw one two days ago also.  Brought back memories of Idaho.  Thought we had made a wrong turn.

Jeff, Jerry, Jack, and Sue

July 15

July 15, 2013

As much as last night was a debacle with no bathroom within half mile, tonight we feel like we died and went to heaven.  Like in “all dogs go to heaven.  We have a campsite with showers and a bathroom within walking distance, there is nobody else in the campground, and better yet, there is nobody to collect money for payment.  And the flies are not as bad.  We are in the town of, and I am not making this up, Cave in the Rock.  Jack could not find a soul in town to talk to.  A true ghost town.  We can see Kentucky.  Tomorrow we take a ferry across the Ohio into the Bluegrass state.

Our day began about 6:15.  Jack did not ride today.  Food poisoning.  Mexican food.  I am partly responsible because I picked this “friendly little place” for us to get out of the sun yesterday.  Our trip today took us through Carbondale, home of the Southern Illinois Salukis.  Reminds me a lot of WKU.  Directions are getting tougher on our maps.  Lots of twists and turns.  Today, we missed a turn because the street was unmarked.  We turned later, and all worked out, but there is that fear of turning in the wrong place or direction and having to go back.   Not the same as in a car.

We stopped for coffee in Goreville (guy in the café said it was the bicycle capital of Illinois), at a place called Delaney’s.  Great service and hospitality and a bonus.  Bikers get free desserts.  We opted for chocolate milkshakes.   One of the best ever.  Finally got a pancake and coffee.  They even had a “Jack stack”, but Jack couldn’t partake because of being ill.  Back on the trail, we took an alternate route along a bike trail that was less hilly than the normal route and eventually got us back on a road on our route.  Nice change of pace.  It was part of a national program called “rails to trails”.  We went through a city called Elizabethtown, pop 299 and into Cave in the Rock, pop 318. Total mileage, about 107 miles.  Climate is changing, ore humidity. 

Saw a church slogan today, “God does not have a plan B”.

We stopped at the Chocolate Factory.  Good sthuff.  Couldn’t take any with us because it would melt immediately.  Had to eat it there.  Saw more correctional institutes today.  Across from the chocolate factory was a boot camp for inmates.  They were doing drills and carrying logs. 

Road are ok.  Still not much shoulder.  But better than Missouri where it was so common to put the rumble strips right on the right line which is where bicyclists ride to stay out of traffic.  Made no sense, but you would not know that if you don’t ride on the public roads.  Not many “knuckleheads” lately.  Cars and trucks have been very courteous.

Tomorrow, we head to Utica.  Going to stay at a volunteer fire department.  Payment is beer in the fridge.  About 80 miles closer to Berea.

Jeff, Jerry, Jack, and Sue

July 14

July 14, 2013

We left Farmington at 5:40 this morning.  Great sunrise. Ride was beautiful in beginning.  Not too bad as far as hills. We saw a few dogs today.  Sue had bought whistles for us as a deterrent against the dogs.  A shitzu came at us; Jack said if I used the whistle on the Shitzu, I had to wear a pink tutu the rest of the trip.  As we went up the last up and down, before us was the most beautiful sight—flat land down below.  The Ozarks were behind us.  Missouri may have been the most difficult state with the hills/mountains.  Went through St. Mary, pop 360, (there were no bells in St. Mary’s) and then we crossed the Mississippi.  We left the Mizzou state and entered the Land of Lincoln.  When we crossed into Illinois, we crossed the bridge into Chester, pop 8,856.  If you didn’t know, Chester is the home of Popeye (I yam what I yam).

You would think that a city of that size would have a place to get a pancake and a cup of coffee.  Not.  We ended up at a Hardees.

We decided to do a n alternative Mississippi levee alternative route from this point.  We expected to see the Mississippi.  Not.  We got a glimpse of it early and then it was marshland and corn and soybeans.  I half expected to see Shoeless Joe Jackson come out of the corn patch.  The alternative route wasn’t too great.  We did see a coal drop.  We got to see a machine in a little house actually turned a coal car upside down to get the coal out of it.  Amazing.  Never had seen so much coal.  Then we ran cross some guys fishing.  They were fishing for catfish, but there were these fish called Gars jumping out of the water.  They were good ol’ boys.  We proceeded on to parts unknown.  At times, we were t 4th and Plum.  Four miles out and plum in the   middle of nowhere.  Ended up in a bar in Neunert, called Bottom’s Up.  We just wanted to get walter.  But they had popcorn, so Jack had to have some.  Watched the NBA Developmental League.  Then it was onto Murphysboro for the night.  We are in an RV Marina Campground.  We have no running walter, no electricity, and the restrooms are several hundred yards away.  And it just rained.  We went to a laundry mat.  Then, to get out of the heat, we went to a Mexican Bar and had a round of beers on the Greely’s.  They spotted us some “fun” money.  It rained dogs and cats while we were there.  We decided to stay and have dinner there.  Had to be about our 5th time for Mexican food.  Back to the campsite.  Could rain again.

Saw some banana trees today.   Not nearly as big as the ones I have at home.  Seeing lots of road kill, many times a double hit.

Ended up doing about 85 miles today.  Saw some turkeys, rabbits, a deer, Gar fish, and dawgs.  407 miles to Berea.  Tomorrow, 95 miles.

Gotta stop here, the flies are driving me crazy.

Jeff, Jerry, Jack, and Sue