Saturday, June 29, 2013

June 27 & 28 - Jeff

Did not do an entry yesterday. Very strange day.  The night before, I asked Jack what time we were starting the next day, and he said about 8:00.  And they call me the Princess.  Anyway, he is up and atem at about 7:00 and doesn’t wake me up.  He instructed me that 8:00 means7:00 in camping.  Anyway, we got off a little later than usual.  We left Landor and headed toward Muddy Gap.  There is nothing between Landor and Muddy Gap. No coffee today.  Scenery was a different kind of purdy.  Nothing outstanding, just typical of what you would expect the West to look like.  Prairie land and a lot of desolate areas. Kind of like a moon landscape.   But still very purdy.  Ran into some  gentlemen heading West along the same trail and they gave us some info about what is ahead of us.  Not all good stuff, but they did recommend a place to stay in Latimore.  We continued onto our destination of Muddy Gap.  We got there and there is not a place to stay.  So we rode 10 miles more to a place called Latimore which those guys talked about.  Well, words cannot describe what we found.  Either they bamboozled us or we go the wrong message.  The place was a like a garbage dump.  Shtuff all over the place.  Some lady lived there by herself and had been trying to clear the place out for four years.  Cannot get a dumpster delivered.  Sue got there first.  The lady told her not to camp in certain places because there were rattlers.  She had a bunk house and an outhouse with a skyview.  Sue has pictures.  Needless to say.  We moved on.  Our next option for a campsite was in Rawlins, about 30 miles away.  The road between Latimore and Rawlins had construction that “those guys” said was not really passable by bike.  Not safe.  So we racked up the bikes and rode through the construction using good discretion and got a place in Rawlins, a city of almost 9,500.  We stayed in an RV Park, but we didn’t get there until about 6:00.  A long day.  We were whupped again, so we decided to go out and eat rather than cook.  Went to a place called Bucks, where everything on the menu had the word “Bucks” in it.  It was a Wyoming décor and had menus that were 24 inches by 14 inches.  Food was good.  Back to the campsite around 9:15.  All went to bed.  Very windy at night but no rain.  Total of about 85 miles today.

On the 28th, we left around 7:10 headed for Riverside, total of 60 miles.  We got to our campsite in Riverside about 12:20.  Like an offday.  Population 52.  But they have two cafes, an RV Park, a grocery/hardware store, and a church.  Not sure how 52 people support all the services.  The place was recommended by a guy we met going West from New Joisey.  He was alone and unsupported headed for San Diego.  Twenty-five years old.  Just winging it.  We met him at our coffee stop in Saratoga at Lollipops.  Also there was a girl from Portland traveling alone with her dog who had a basket on the front of her bike.  No she was not really from Kansas.  Ride was pretty good.   Saw some antelope and some white pelicans flying in formation.  They are black and white; and when they turn, they disappear.  Jack couldn’t see the pelicans and will to his grave say that I was making it up.  I’m sure Jack’s family will find this hard to believe.  Our day at the campsite included naps, beers at the café, trip to the hardware store, and of course dinner.  Jack made some friends at the café.  He had a book out on the table he was reading.   A young motorcyclist walked by and said he had done a book report on that book.  Jack got into a reading conversation and another motorcyclist who did not fit the typical reader type (like I am) chimed in that he had read the same book and recommended another book entitled “Stumbling Upon Happiness”.  New book club in the works it sounds like.  Tomorrow, we head to Waldon to see if Ralph is still at the pond. 

Odds and ends.  There was a city near the Tetons where lot of moose have been sighted.  Guess what they call it?  You guessed it, Moose.  A black bird with an orange head.  An orange headed black bird.  Jimmy Durante came up today.  Again, Jack had no clue.

Jeff, Jerry, Jack, and Sue

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