Friday, July 12, 2013

July 10 - Jeff

July 10, 2013

Shout out to Adam Schmidt on his 20th bertday today!!!!!!!

Another shout out to Teri Von Handorf who recorded a hole in one at World of Golf last night!!!!!   Wish we got ESPN.

Our visit to the Hilltop Café last night was a huge success.  We got cooled off and the home cooked food was good.  It was a cultural and a true dining experience.  Think almost Anchor Grill. Jody the owner treated us great and her kids did all the serving and dishes.  I volunteered Jack, our head dishwasher, but they said they had it covered.  All got ice creams as well.  The café had bait, hardware, and even puppies for sale.

Storm hit during the night.  Some of the thunder and lightning felt like it was hitting right on top of us.  Hot night again.  You just sweat in your tent until it really cools down around midnight.  Rain and lightning ended just in time for   us to get off on our ride.  We slept in until almost 5:00 and left about 6:04.  Beautiful sunrise over the lake.  Had to ride out of the park.  Saw an armadillo cross the road.  Saw a lot of dead ones on the side during the day.  Went through Coyville, pop 66; Benedict, pop 96 (Jack had to get a picture with the Benedict sign, his middle name.  Jack Benny?); Chanute, pop 8,738; Walnut, pop 219; and onto Girard, pop 2,710.  We are in a city park again.  Showers and a pool!!!!!  A lot of these little towns have pools.  God bless America.   The people at the pool can’t do enough for us.  We usually have to register with the Police when we get to the park.  They asked Jack if there was anything we needed.  What’s wrong with this picture?  Are we really in America?  We had coffee in Chanute.  Gas station coffee but good.  We missed Jerry and he went to a different diner.  It was a combination expresso/computer repair shop. He ended up taking a different route.   On our way out, we hit a “road closed” sign.  We had to walk our bikes through part of the construction zone to get back on our route.  Stopped to get walter at a golf course.  Lady there took our water bottles, emptied them out and filled them with fresh walter and ice.  Again, people couldn’t be nicer.  Had lunch in Walnut.  And then here we are in Girard waiting for Clair, Jerry and Sue’s daughter, to show up to meet us and travel with us for a few days.   Pool feels great.  Rode about 80 miles today.  Temp is about 98.  “Talking about a heat wave”.

Girard brought up more movie notes.  Sam Girard (Gerard?) , played by Tommy Lee Jones.  Jack has not seen the Fugitive or the US Marshall movies.  C’mon Teri, let this guy out sometime.   Guess you are too busy polishing your golf swing obviously.

Almost out of Kansas.  Although the wind has died down.  Missouri map shows a lot of up and down.  We’re not quite sure how  bad it is going to be.  May have to put our climbing legs back on.

Sue bought a walter melon for us tonight.  Should be good.  Pool open until 9:00.

Jeff, Jerry, Jack, and Sue

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