Thursday, June 27, 2013

June 26

Rained again last.  Tents got wet again.  No rain in the morning.  Thirty-five degrees when we left and 91 when we finished in the afternoon.  Pretty hot.  Sometimes you get what you wish for.  We were tired of the cold, but…Our morning began with a climb up Togwotee Pass, 9,658 feet.  Not too bad.  Good grade 2-6% the entire way.   We were thanking the engineers who did the excavating of the road.  Great shoulders so far in Wyoming.  Got to the top and made our way down to the Lava Mountain Lodge where we had coffee.  Very cool place.  Had great accommodations if you ever venture out here.  Cool bar and nice people.  And popcorn. Jack finally got his popcorn fix.  They made popcorn for him at 8:30 in the morning.  We saw some mooses before we got there.  Jack saw a deer and a porcupine having a little turf battle on the side of the road.  Of course, being the teacher, Jack broke it up.

Mr. Sun came up too, to warm things up.  Made our way through Dubois and met a tailwind.  Bicyclists have never met a tailwind they didn’t like.  We had a tailwind for more than 60 miles.  We were flying, hardly peddlin’ hitting 20-25 miles per hour.  We were going through the Painted Hills.  If you have never seen them, look them up on the Internet.  Imagine riding a bike through them for about 20 miles.  Then we rode through some terrain that had red rock, unbelievable.  It seems just when it can’t get any better, you turn a corner and voila, more good shtuff.  We stooped for lunch at Crowheart.  Met group of bikers heading west.  Had some great conversation with them about what to except in our future rides.

Well, all good things must come to an end.  The tailwind ended when we turned onto route 287.  Brutal.  Really slow going.  At times, the wind almost blew our bikes over while we were riding.  I was going down a hill and my bike kept drifting into the other lane.  We got to our destination, Fort Washakie and Jack got his second flat tire.  No camping at Fort Washakie and besides it seemed a little questionable.  So we had to go to the next location down the road, Lander, population 7500.  Even has a McDonald’s.  RV Park not as nice as others we have stayed at.  Not safe to drop soap in shower.   We have seen some very odd places, but this may be at the    top of list. But we have our tents up.  Anyway, by having top go further, we ended up doing 128 miles and not getting to the site until about 4:30.  So tonight will be a shorter entry.  I am whupped.    But no rain in forecast.  Warm weather ahead.  We decided to sleep in tomorrow and get a later start after today’s longer ride.

Jeff, Jerry, Jack, and Sue

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